Has your child ever come home from school or an activity stating they have been asked questions like, “Why don’t you look like the rest of your family?” “Are you adopted?” “Who are your REAL parents?” It can be hard to know how to respond and what to keep private.
Let us help you!
Diana Shadpour, LCSW, and Shannon Hrobowski will help you learn strategies using the W.I.S.E. UP curriculum, created by C.A.S.E. (Center for Adoption Support and Education). W.I.S.E. up stands for Walk away, Ignore or change the subject, Share what you are comfortable sharing, and Educate about adoption in general.
Parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings, the community!
Facilitators: Diana Shadpour, LCSW Shannon Hrobowski, Family Specialist