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Boundaries with ConnectionPresented

Presented by Robyn Gobbel

In Celebration of National Adoption Month we are incrediblyhonored to host nationally known speaker, author andpodcast host, Robyn Gobbel.


Sometimes, therapeutic parenting of children with histories of trauma and vulnerable nervous systems can appear to be permissive parenting. But actually, this way of parenting oftencalls for more structure and boundaries. It’s just that we oftenaren’t using the word ‘boundaries’ correctly! This session willbring clarity to what boundaries are and aren’t and how to setboundaries that set our kids up for success. We will also address how to begin building boundaries with behavior we cannot control- specifically verbal aggression.


Learning Objectives: 

  • Articulate the difference between boundaries, rules and consequences.
  • Identify ways to establish boundaries that set kids up for success.
  • Create a practice that will increase their psychosocial boundary with stressful behavior like verbal aggression.


Robyn Gobbel, MSW, loves coffee, P!NK, and everything about the brain. She has over 20 years of practice as a family and child therapist, specializing in complex trauma, attachment and adoption. Robyn loves cultivating deep, resonant connections with anyone who is up for it, and is especially fond of all the grown-ups in the world who love and care for kids impacted by trauma- helpers, healers, educators, and parents. Her favorite thing ever is teaching anyone who will listen to harness the power of neuroscience so they can cultivate deep, resonant connections. What would change in the world if we could all do that? To see, be with, feel, and deeply know each other…and ourselves. Robyn thinks everything could change. You can get your hands on all sorts of free resources at www.RobynGobbel.com, including her podcast, The Baffling Behavior Show. Robyn is the author of Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work (September 2023).